On a panel at the Promise Institute of UCLA, Los Angeles, moderated by Executive Director Kate MacKintosh, Rethinking SLIC* members Tom Hamilton and Nicky Touw had a lively panel discussion on the criminal and civil liability aspects of arms trade and human rights. 

Held on 8 November 2022, Tom ventured into contemplating corporate accountability of the arms trade owing to their role in international crimes and the violation of human rights. The discussion ranged from addressing the need to establish doctrinal standards, recalling relevant case law in certain jurisdictions, to the challenges posed before the arena of International Criminal Law while conceiving possible solutions.

Following suit, Nicky addressed civil litigation against arms trade corporations. She reviewed recent developments and identified the variety of possible legal basis for civil liability before diving into a comparative discussion of two national jurisdictions specifically, to weed out the complexities that arise in relation to the process of fact-finding in these cases. She wrapped up by presenting some thoughts on how to adress these.