Joanna Kyriakakis

Larissa Furtwengler
Dr. Larissa Furtwengler holds a PhD from Heidelberg University. Her PhD thesis analyzed states‘ obligations under international law when deciding about arms transfers. In the course of her PhD she visited the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden and various institutions in Uganda. Currently Dr. Furtwengler is finishing her clerkship in Heidelberg, Germany during which she has been a trainee at the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin in the Human Rights and Business team.

Jindan-Karena Mann
Jindan-Karena Mann is a PhD Candidate at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) and the Department of Criminal Law. She conducts research on secondary civil liability for grave human rights violations as part of a project on “The Outer Limits of Secondary Liability for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations”.