Chantal Mak
Chantal Mak is a Professor of Private law, in particular fundamental rights and private law, at the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law (ACT). Her research focuses on the constitutional legal framework for private law in Europe and the influence of constitutional law (including fundamental rights) on private law matters, with a special interest for the role of the judiciary in European private law.
Picture by J.G. Mak

Debadatta Bose
Debadatta Bose is a doctoral researcher in Business and Human Rights at the Amsterdam Centre for International Law and the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law. His research focuses on the legal-theoretical justifications of corporate liability and due diligence as regards transnational supply chains. He is interested in Third World Approaches to International Law, Public International Law and human rights more generally as well.

Giovanni Comandé
Full Professor of Private Comparative Law at Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy. PhD. SSSA, LLM Harvard Law School, Founder and Director of the LIDER-LAB. Scientific director of many research projects. Coordinator of the H2020 project LeADs. Author of 6 monographs, editor of 15 collective works, published numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. Director of 3 top ranking law journals in Italy. Member of the American Law Institute and of the European Law Institute and of several law associations. Founder and president of Smartex s.r.l.

Russell Hopkins
Russell was called to the English Bar in 2018 and is a tenant at Temple Garden Chambers. He specialises in business and human rights cases using both civil and criminal law. Russell qualified as a solicitor in 2008 and worked in the disputes practice of a leading commercial law firm. In 2010-2011, he was selected to work as judicial assistant to Lord Collins and Lord Wilson in the UK Supreme Court. Russell has substantial experience before international criminal tribunals.

Nwamaka Okany
Nwamaka Okany is a Lecturer in International Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and a Barrister admitted to the Nigerian Supreme Court Bar. She holds cum laude degrees from the University of Nigeria and Utrecht University. She is also a PhD candidate of the Department of International & European Law at the UvA. Prior to joining the University, Okany worked as a lawyer at the Enugu-based commercial law firm of C.H.C. Nwanya & Co. and the UN War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, The Hague.

Joëlle Trampert
Joëlle Trampert joined the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) and the department of Criminal Law as a PhD candidate in September 2018. Within the context of the research project “Rethinking the Outer Limits of Secondary Liability for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations” she conducts research on state responsibility for complicity in serious human rights violations in the field of public international law with a focus on international human rights law.