Göran Sluiter
Göran Sluiter is professor of international criminal law at the University of Amsterdam. He is also professor of criminal law and procedure at the Open University in the Netherlands and lawyer and partner at Prakken d'Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers.

Rosanne van Alebeek
Rosanne van Alebeek is Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of International and European Law and Research Fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL). She is the Academic Coordinator of the Master IEL - Public International Law, and Coordinator International Programmes of the Amsterdam Law School. Van Alebeek is a member of the Advisory Committee on issues of Public International Law of the Netherlands Government.

Nadia Bernaz
Nadia Bernaz is Associate Professor of Law at Wageningen University (Netherlands), and Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Lille (France). She holds a PhD in international law from Aix-Marseille University (France). She is the author of Business and Human Rights. History, Law and Policy (Routledge, 2017) and has published numerous academic articles in law and business journals. She founded and runs Rights as Usual, a blog dedicated to business and human rights and can be found on Twitter @NadiaBernaz.

Nicky Touw
Nicky Touw holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of Groningen and an LLB (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam. After obtaining her LLM in criminal law from the University of Amsterdam in 2014, she worked for several law firms in the Netherlands as a paralegal and later as an attorney specializing in financial and corporate criminal law.