Jens Ohlin
Jens David Ohlin became the Allan R. Tessler Dean of Cornell Law School on July 1, 2021. His scholarly work stands at the intersection of four related fields: criminal law, criminal procedure, public international law, and the laws of war. Trained as both a lawyer and a philosopher, his research has tackled questions as diverse as criminal conspiracy and the punishment of collective criminal action, the philosophical foundations of international law, and the role of new technologies in warfare, including cyberwar, remotely piloted drones, and autonomous weapons. Dean Ohlin’s latest research project involves foreign election interference and the use of disinformation as a mode of statecraft by foreign actors. In addition to dozens of scholarly articles, Ohlin is the author of several textbooks and treatises on criminal law and international law.

Christopher Kutz
Christopher Kutz is C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law in the Jurisprudence & Social Policy Program, Berkeley Law School, University of California at Berkeley. He received a PhD in Philosophy from UC Berkeley, and a law degree from Yale Law School. He is the author of Complicity: Ethics and Law in a Collective Age (Cambridge, 2001) and On War and Democracy (Princeton 2016), as well as numerous articles in moral, legal, and political philosophy, including the philosophy of criminal law. He has taught in France (Sciences-Po) as well as at Columbia and Stanford Law Schools, and has lectured around the world.

Saira Mohamed
Saira Mohamed is a Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. She teaches courses in criminal law and human rights, and her research focuses on choice and responsibility in mass atrocity crimes. She is a graduate of Yale University, Columbia Law School, and Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs. She previously served as an Attorney-Adviser in the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Legal Adviser and as a Senior Advisor in the U.S. Office of the Special Envoy for Sudan.

Marc Tiernan
Marc Tiernan holds an LLB from Trinity College Dublin (2014) and an LLM in International Criminal Law from the University of Amsterdam (cum laude, 2017). Prior to joining Rethinking SLIC*, Marc worked as a legal consultant with a defence team at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and as a research assistant with the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. Marc also has experience working with law firms and non-profits in Ireland, Cambodia, and the United States.